Amnesty proponent Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Twitter Thursday afternoon: “Illegal immigrants will now get to pay taxes like the rest of us. They will get to know the IRS. Welcome to America !!!”

I love a lusty three-exclamation-point welcome myself !!!  But illegal aliens are already quite well-acquainted with the IRS, Senator Graham !!!  Why, 23,994 of them scammed $46 million in tax refunds from the IRS in 2011… all using the same address in Atlanta, Georgia.  We’re currently looking at a total of about $4 billion per year in such suspicious claims.

And even if the newly legalized aliens are actually compelled to “pay back taxes” (using what documentation?) a sizable portion of them will have incomes low enough to qualify for net tax credits.  The IRS will be giving them money, not taking it away.