The father of Edward Snowden has offered the US a deal that he thinks would lead to the return of his son to the US.

The proposal was revealed in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder and obtained by CNN’s Christine Amanpour. Bruce Fein, a Washington DC lawyer representing Lonnie Snowden, wrote the letter.

“With these written representations and guarantee, Mr. Snowden is reasonably confident that his son could be persuaded to surrender voluntarily to the jurisdiction of the United States to face trial,” Fein wrote.

The conditions in the letter are that Snowden:

1. Would not be detained or imprisoned prior to trial

2. Would not be subject to a gag order

3. Would be tried in the venue of his choice

The Justice Department had no immediate comment. 

Snowden’s father said he had not spoken to his son since April, so it isn’t clear if these conditions came from his son or if they would be considered by Snowden.