Oh, this is not a cynical move at all…

Businesses won’t be penalized next year if they don’t provide workers health insurance after the Obama administration decided to delay a key requirement under its health-care law, two administration officials said.
The decision will come in regulatory guidance to be issued later this week. It addresses vehement complaints from employer groups about the administrative burden of reporting requirements, though it may also affect coverage provided to some workers.
The Obamacare employee mandate  incurs financial penalties on businesses with more than 50 employees that fail to provide suitable health insurance. 

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) fired off the following statement regarding the Obama Administration’s decision to delay implementation of Obamacare’s employer mandate:

The President knows Obamacare is, in the words of one if its chief architects, a train wreck. Now, apparently fearing being held accountable to voters at the ballot box, the President wants to delay implementation until after the 2014 elections. We should accept the President’s invitation, and indeed defund Obamacare altogether, to restore economic growth and avoid the impending train wreck.

On Special Report, tonight, Krauthammer also questioned the timing, saying, “cynicism is always the right assumption with the Obama administration.”

Video via NRO: