One month ago CBS news reported evidence the senior State Department officials had killed off investigations unfavorable to the department. Now KDFW in Dallas reports that the law office representing the whistleblower who supplied information for that report has been burglarized.

Aurelia Fedenisn is the whistleblower who went to Sen. Cruz and then to CBS with evidence of multiple investigations which were killed by senior State Department officials. KDFW, a Fox affiliate in Dallas, reports that the office of Fedenisn’s attorneys was broken into last weekend. Thieves cut a hole through the wall of an empty suite and entered the office. They took three computers but ignored other valuables in plain site. No other suite in the high rise office building was targeted.

The fact that the thieves appeared to target computers of the attorneys of two State Department whistleblowers but ignored valuables and
other nearby offices full of equally valuable equipment suggests the thieves were interested in information, not money. Schulman & Mathias does represent other clients, but none as high profile as Fedenisn.

The information revealed by Fedenisn was highly embarrassing to the State Department. For instance, a senior U.S. diplomat was discovered to be hiring hookers in a
park near the embassy. The IG was told to back off the case and the diplomat was flown
back to Washington for a sit down with Undersecretary of State for
Management Patrick Kennedy.

Fedenisn has claimed she became a target of harassment after the story broke. The Inspector General’s office sent agents to her home to demand she admit stealing documents from the agency, i.e. the draft reports she had leaked to Sen. Cruz and to CBS to prove officials were covering up wrongdoing. This part of Fedenisn’s story was covered two weeks ago by Megyn Kelly: