In today’s De Pasquale’s Dozen column I do over at Townhall I interviewed Breitbart Editor John Nolte.  Each week I ask free-market politicians, writers and entertainers to take a break from politics and talk about their pop cultures obessessions and interests.  I change the questions from time to time, but I couldn’t resist creating a new question specifically for John.

4. What’s one of your favorite movies that most people haven’t seen?

I’ve been meaning to put this together for you at The Conversation, but just haven’t had time. Also, my DVD collection is stored away while I remodel my basement, so I can’t peruse it to pick out titles. So, off the top of my head and in no particular order, here are ten…

Chilly Scenes of Winter (1979)

Saving Silverman (2001)

The Stone Killer (1973)

Defiance (1980)

The Super Cops (1974)

Deep Rising (1998)

Beautiful Girls (1996)

Bachelor Bait (1934)

The 27th Day (1957)

Springtime in the Rockies (1942)

Anything Dana Andrews starred in for 20th-Century Fox…