We can add the San Diego chapter of NOW to the list of people and groups calling for San Diego Mayor Bob Filner to resign.  Last week, former Filner ally and San Diego councilwoman Donna Frye brought to light salacious sexual harassment allegations against the Mayor.  

The allegations against Filner include playing grab ass, slipping his hand inside of a woman’s bra, and shoving his tongue down a woman’s throat with subordinates and constituents. This behavior traces back to his time in Washington DC as well, where he was a Congressman for 20 years. 

“It is with profound disappointment that we join with the other Mayor Filner former supporters in calling for him to resign his position as mayor,” the NOW Political Committee told the San Diego Union-Tribune

“This comes as a result of the sexual harassment claims that the mayor has addressed in his taped statement. We are heartened to hear the mayor discuss the steps he plans to take to work on his problems. However, at this time it is appropriate that he resign immediately and we call on him to do so.”

Reps. Susan Davis (D-CA) and Scott Peters (D-CA) have also called for the Mayor to step down along with various democrat political figures like Todd Gloria, president of the San Diego City Council.  

The Mayor said in a statement. “I do not believe I am guilty of sexual harassment, and I believe a full presentation of the facts will vindicate me.”

Filner is holding tight and refusing to leave office.  Marco Gonzales, an attorney representing women at the center of Frye’s press conference earlier this week, said that a sexual harassment lawsuit would be filed against the city of San Diego.  Filner cares nothing of the expense the city would face if they have to cover his legal expenses. Typical democrat.