It finally happened. 

Obama’s pick from “the Hugo Chavez wing” of the Democrat party,  former Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General Tom Perez, was confirmed, today, by the Senate for Labor Secretary. Republicans put up a valiant fight for months, but in the end, Obama got his ruthless radical in the top position at the Dept of Labor.

J. Christian Adams calls Perez “perhaps the most radical left-wing cabinet member in history” who at the DOJ, presided over  “a catalog of the rancid racialism.” 

The New Black Panther case is one small part. But so are the eighth-grade transvestite lawsuits in New York, and so are the race quotas in New York City. PJ Media has been covering Perez in a way that no other outlet has for the last three years: his wars on peaceful Catholic pro-life protesters, his dishonesty under oath, and his overruling of career DOJ lawyers in the South Carolina Voter ID case are but three more from a long list of radical transgressions.

Make no mistake — that’s why Obama appointed him.

A pleased as punch president issued the following statement thanking the Senate for confirming the all- American, working class hero, Thomas Perez:

“I welcome today’s confirmation of Tom Perez to serve as Secretary of Labor.  Tom has lived the American dream himself, and has dedicated his career to keeping it within reach for hardworking families across the country.  At the Department of Labor, Tom will help us continue to grow our economy, help businesses create jobs, make sure workers have the skills those jobs require, and ensure safe workplaces and economic opportunity for all.

I want to thank the Senate once again for agreeing to move forward on Tom and the other nominees who have waited far too long for the yes-or-no votes they deserve.”

Senator Cruz (R-TX) released the following statement regarding the confirmation of Perez:

I am disappointed in the Senate’s vote to confirm Thomas Perez as Secretary of Labor. Mr. Perez’s record indicates a lack of respect for the rule of law in his efforts to reach a misguided definition of ‘justice.’ From his uncooperative and questionably ethical handling of cases involving housing discrimination law in St. Paul, MN, to recent whistleblower reports accusing him of substantial misconduct at his previous role at the Department of Justice, Mr. Perez has not proved himself capable of carrying out the duties of this position.
I cannot support a nominee who allows the government to favor equality of outcome versus equality of opportunity, and so I voted against his confirmation.

Noteworthy Senate floor speeches voicing opposition to Perez by Senators McConnell and Lee, here and here.