It may just be an opinion piece, but no respectable media outlet should have run it. Professor Gary May claims, in an article at, that because most conservatives support the Supreme Court’s partial invalidation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, Republicans want to take America back–not just to the era of (Democrat) Jim Crow segregation, but to the days of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, i.e. to slavery.

May cannot evade the fact that Republicans helped pass the Voting Rights Act (though he downplays the fact that Democrats provided the main opposition, and that Republicans tended to vote for civil rights laws in higher proportions than Democrats). Yet he forgets to mention–though it might even have strengthened the ironic comparison he attempted to make–that the Republican Party was founded partly to oppose slavery.

The absurd accusation is just the latest desperate attempt by the left to tag the Republican party for racism. May cannot dispute the fact that the Voting Rights Act largely achieved its purpose, and that its provisions singling out certain states for additional scrutiny have long been outdated. So he simply ignores the evidence–proving once again that if racism didn’t exist, Democrats and the left would have to invent it.