Last year the AP reported the Syrian regime had threatened to use their chemical weapons if attacked by a foreign power:

The Syrian regime threatened Monday to use its chemical and biologicalweapons in case of a foreign attack, in its first ever acknowledgementthat it possesses weapons of mass destruction.


“No chemical or biological weapons will ever be used, and I repeat, willnever be used, during the crisis in Syria no matter what thedevelopments inside Syria,” Makdissi said in news conference broadcaston Syrian state TV. “All of these types of weapons are in storage andunder security and the direct supervision of the Syrian armed forces andwill never be used unless Syria is exposed to external aggression.”

The Assad regime did not make clear at the time who they would target with the weapons if attacked.

President Obama’s current plan for an missile strike from Navy ships does not involve any ground troops, though the initial draft of the authorization did seem to allow for escalation without further congressional authorization.

When questioned by the Senate, Secretary of State said he could not rule out ground troops.