The ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) wants answers from the heads of three federal courts,  the 8th, 10th and 11th circuit court of appeals, on why they went forward with conferences at what’s been described as “lavish resorts” while they were also bemoaning budget cuts from sequestration.

Back in May of 2012, Breitbart News broke the story of a plush Maui retreat on the part of the 9th circuit. Rather than learning from that experience, it would seem the other courts simply followed their lead.

Judges from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, federal district and bankruptcy courts in nine Western states and two Pacific island territories, along with lawyers practicing in those courts and court staff, will gather at the luxurious Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa from August 13 – 16, 2012 in what looks like a less than valiant attempt to ensure American justice is being served…at a cost to taxpayers of approximately one million dollars.

Now Senator Grassley is pressing his case to the other courts on behalf of the American taxpayer.

The top ranking Republican also pressed Tenth Circuit Chief Judge Mary Beck Briscoe for more information about a conference the court hosted at the five-star Broadmoor Resort in Colorado Springs, Colo. late last month.

Federal employees used taxpayer money to rent rooms starting at $273 per night and training seminars during the conference included classes on how to use tablet computers, according to Grassley’s letter.