On August 18, police arrested 24-year-old Daniel Cooper in the town centre at Hollywell, North Wales after witnesses told police he simulated sex with the counter of a Kabob take-out restaurant and CCTV allegedly captured him having sexual relations with a Land Rover parked outside. 

Cooper admitted to indecent exposure when he appeared at Flintshire Magistrates Court.

Described normally as a “caring family man,” Cooper, a father of three, told the court he was so intoxicated he could not remember any of his actions until he saw CCTV surveillance.  Prosecutor John Wylde, however, filled in some other blanks for Cooper and the court:

“First of all he was seen to be urinating.

“He was then seen to go down the High Street with his trousers around his ankles and his T-shirt pulled up over his head.

“Cooper was waving at cars and then took off his shirt completely.

“He was seen to enter a kebab shop where he was simulating the sex act against the corner of the counter.

“At one stage he lay on the ground and simulated the sex act. Then he did the same to a Land Rover Discovery vehicle which was parked nearby.”

Cooper’s defense attorney told the court that his “client is mortified and totally ashamed. He cannot recall what had occurred. He is a responsible family man who looks after the children while his wife went out to work.”

One of Cooper’s pals also came to his defense: “He is not a pretty sight when naked. We all felt sorry for the Land Rover and hope it wasn’t offended.”

As part of his sentence, Cooper can not go outdoors between 7 pm and 7 am on weekend nights for the next three months. 

Photo: AFP