I’m pretty excited that Ann Coulter has a new book coming out on October 14.  Never Trust a Liberal Over Three-Especially a Republican
is a classic Coulter title (and the striking cover pose is also classic Coulter).  A few years ago I did a feature story on Coulter and asked her about her process for finishing a book. 

Coulter meticulously does all of the research for her books. Finishing a book brings both panic and liberation, she says, “First, in a paralyzing terror, I think: I CAN’T MAKE ANY MORE CHANGES TO THE BOOK! Then in joyful relief, I think: I CAN’T MAKE ANY MORE CHANGES TO THE BOOK!” 

“Fortunately, the space of time between these two thoughts grows shorter with each book,” Coulter continues. “For the next few weeks, other points I should have made will keep popping into my head, but I always think of the Paul Valéry quote George Will told me when I was depressed that I couldn’t make any more changes to my first book, ‘High Crimes’: ‘A poem is never finished, only abandoned.'”

I’ll be pre-ordering Never Trust a Liberal Over Three-Especially a Republican today!