The day’s top picks in social media and technology for 9/16: Social media and the Navy Yard shooting; Facebook unblocked, then blocked again, in Iran; bloody teen fight over Snapchat sexting; social media and the Colorado floods; terrorists love Gmail; Google’s Eric Schmidt says government spying is ‘the nature of our society’; another suicide over online bullying; cyberplot against bank busted; Grand Theft Auto V news.

Read below for these stories and more.


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Social media and the Navy Yard shooting

Reddit cracked down on posting any personal information…
Reddit bans subreddit dedicated to finding the Navy Yard shooters

…Even though the subreddit was said to have been satirical.
Navy Yard shooter identified after false initial reports

We’re reminded that not only Reddit gets it wrong sometimes.
NBC, CBS Remind Us You Don’t Have to Be on Reddit or Twitter to Misidentify a Mass Killer

And then there are the classless.
Russian Official Mocks Navy Yard Shooting

Social Media/Tech Trends, Happenings and Faux Pas.

First they were unblocked…
Iranians Gain Access to Facebook and Twitter

…and then they were blocked again.
Facebook and Twitter Blocked Again in Iran After Respite

No matter how much Snapchat’s CEO says it’s “not a good way to send inappropriate photos,” people still don’t listen.
Bloody teen fight over sexting won’t help Snapchat’s reputation

Social media helped connect people, alert them to more flood warnings, directed them where to find help and pushed out coverage of what was going on.
Colorado floods: Social media play key role in news coverage

I guess we know who’s watching our email, then.
Former NSA and CIA Director says Gmail preferred by terrorists

Hoaxes, Harassment and Hacking.

Well isn’t that comforting, especially if you’re a Google user.
Google’s Eric Schmidt says government spying is ‘the nature of our society’

Roads in a Pennsylvania town were shut down as officers with guns drawn stood by and robots were deployed.
Swatting hoax prompts bomb squad in Marple Township

Bullies use social media to urge 12-year-old to kill herself

Law and Order.

Four men charged over audacious Santander bank hacking plot



Rockstar Warns Xbox 360 GTA V Users: Don’t Install the ‘Play Disc’

Does it need a description?
Grand Theft Auto V: Tips, tricks, and cheat codes