In response to The cult of government:

After the devastating loss for conservatives and Republicans in 2012 and lack of focus on 2014, many in the movement seem to be in a post-electoral mindset. As one friend who has been involved in every Republican presidential election and various state elections since the 1980s told me, “The country is too far gone to make the case that an individual Senator or Representative can make a difference. We’re in a post-electoral environment.”

While I’m not ready to give up on electoral politics, this does mean (as many of us always say at Breitbart) that pop culture is even more important.  It’s the filter in which millions of Americans view political issues.  Engaging in pop culture doesn’t mean putting out our own inferior product.  It means encouraging right-leaning, creative people to seek jobs in established Hollywood and media outlets.  Obviously, they’ll have better luck if they don’t have a history of conservative activism, so this is a great opportunity for young people who want to really make a difference.  Don’t come to D.C. for an internship.  Go to L.A. or New York instead.

In his post, John wrote that it’s fun to see where South Park will land on an issue.  I think sometimes the same can be said for Saturday Night Live.  I’ve seen mixed reactions to the opening sketch on ObamaCare on last night’s season premiere.  Some saw it as an attack on Ted Cruz.  Others saw it as an attack on ObamaCare.  I’m an optimist, so I guess I look at it as half-funny.  It gave me hope that some of the things we’ve been highlighting as ObamaCare’s failures (like covering 26 year-old “children”) are becoming mainstream views.  And that’s, perhaps, the great case for not abandoning electoral politics in 2014.  I hope my friends who have been making money on elections for so many years get out of their slump because I still want to save our country.