Senate Minority Whip John Cornyn (R -TX) was verbally beaten up by his own constituents on his FaceBook page for voting  for cloture and allowing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D – NV) to throw out an amendment that would strip Obamacare funding in a House continuing resolution. 

The comments from FaceBook users via different Texas cities and towns range from begging and pleading Cornyn to vote against cloture, prior the vote, to downright determination to find a candidate to primary the senior senator from Texas after he voted for cloture. 

Senator Ted Cruz (R – TX), however, gained support from the base in his party as he took the floor for his 21 hour marathon speech asking his fellow members to vote “no” on cloture on the amendment that would enable Reid to fund Obamacare. 

“Senator John Cornyn just announced on the Senate floor ‘I will vote Yes on cloture’… Well sir, you have now made it clear that you will NOT listen to the people who sent you to D.C…. So, Now I find myself shopping for a new Senator,” wrote John Basham in a post. 

Donna Humphrey Donnell agreed, writing on the Senator’s FB page, “I will vote NO to John Cornyn the next election. Sir, you just split your Republican vote in our state of Texas.”

Cornyn explained his support for cloture on KFYO’s Chad Hasty Show, saying, “But the reality is that according to the Congressional Research Service even if the government were to shutdown, Obamacare would continue to be funded. That is because there are alternative sources of funding. So, if the goal is to stop Obamacare, a goal we all share, even shutting down the government won’t accomplish that goal.  But again, as you and I have talked about before this is not a difference in goals. It’s a good faith difference in achieving that goal.”