Because of Harry Reid and Barack Obama’s insistence on using Shutdown Theater as a means to put pressure on Republicans, Senate Democrats have refused to take up legislation that would allow the District of Columbia access to its own local funds during the shutdown. But Shut Down Theater turned to embarrassing farce while three major local news stations were filming earlier today.

 Dingy was caught on camera talking down to Mayor Vincent Gray, D-D.C., who accosted him about unlocking the funds after Reid’s press conference on Capitol Hill.  While cameras rolled, Reid hissed, “I’m on your side. Don’t screw it up, OK?”

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa has championed legislation in the House to grant D.C. access to its money. He appeared with Mayor Gray at a protest on Capitol Hill to help the the District of Columbia.

“This is about the District’s money. This is not an ‘appropriations bill.’ The bill that the Mayor’s coming to talk about today simply unlocks the District’s ability to spend their own locally derived money,” Issa said.


It’s funny how neither Norton nor Gray had any idea what Reid was talking about when he said, “don’t screw things up.”