Nine of eleven Doctor Who episodes starring Partick Troughton have been found in Nigeria.  Troughten was the second actor to play Doctor Who. 

The episodes were found in at TV facility in Jos, Nigeria and were among 106 “lost” episodes from the 1960s. 

The recovered material includes four episodes of six-parter The Web of Fear, a “quintessential” Doctor Who story in which the Time Lord battles robot Yetis spreading a poisonous fungus on the London Underground.

Mark Gatiss writer/actor in Doctor Who (and Mycroft Holmes in Sherlock!) said “Every single avenue seemed to have been exhausted. Every now and then something turns up — but to have two virtually complete stories out of the blue is absolutely incredible.”

The tapes were discovered by Philip Morris, executive director at Television International Enterprise Archive which specializes in tracking down archive material. Morris said he found the episodes “sitting on a shelf with a piece of masking tape that said ‘Doctor Who.'”

The episodes are available now on iTunes.