The Washington Times is reporting that N.J. Governor Chris Christie appears to have switched his position and is now in favor of in-state college tuition rates for illegal immigrants on par with those for legal citizen residents.

Immigrant-rights activists say New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie reversed himself Saturday and endorsed giving illegal immigrants in-state college tuition rates, and said he will try to get the issue through his legislature in a lame-duck session.

The switch could prove problematic for Christie should he opt to enter the GOP presidential primary for 2016.

Mr. Christie, who is up for re-election in November, is also seen as eyeing a bid for the GOP’s 2016 presidential nomination — but his support for in-state tuition could complicate that.

Christie’s office did not respond for a request for comment, which suggests the report of his reversal may indeed be accurate.

Mr. Christie previously had opposed the federal Dream Act, which would have legalized illegal immigrant students and made them eligible nationwide for in-state tuition.