In response to Classy Sign There OFA:

I got a kick out of the guy who “infiltrated” the 23 strong OFA protest with a sign that said the following:

“Just Default! I’ve got military experience, guns at home, and a meat grinder. I’ll be fine.”

Pic here.

The man told reporters his name is Brett Shelley, and he claimed to be a lead engineer with a Veterans Affairs health project. After he appeared, the OFA members skedaddled off the Capitol  steps and headed for the lawn, according to Betsy Woodruff  at the Corner.

“I don’t know what happened, man,” Shelley told reporters with a laugh after the OFA rally abandoned him on the Capitol steps. “Why they running away from me?”

Twitchy has a good round-up of tweets about the OFA rally: ‘Every liberal hates the disabled!’ When will Dem leaders denounce ‘Tea-tards’ hate speech at OFA rally? [pics]