Senator Marco Rubio is once again putting himself at odds with the very base that elected him to public office, the Tea Party.

 This past Sunday, Rubio appeared on Fox News, where he  expressed his unwaivering support for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s 2014 Senate re-election race over Senate Conservative Fund backed businessman, Matt Bevins.

 Here is what Rubio said:

 “I do. I do support Senator McConnell’s re-election. I think he is trying to lead our conference, its a diverse conference with a lot of different opinions, and that’s a tough job …I think he has done a good job of being the leader of the Republican conference in the Senate, and I think that’s not an easy job to do”. -Senator Marco Rubio

 Did he give himself an ‘out’ by stating that McConnell has only done “a good job,” and not a great one?