The hits just keep coming.  Every time we think the full depth of the Administration’s incompetence and mendacity has been plumbed, a fresh bombshell revelation detonates.  

Here’s a new report from the mainstream media’s most persistent Obama gadfly, Sharyl Attkisson, in which we learn the exchange system failed hundreds of tests administered by employees of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. These were the simplest sort of “beta” tests, the kind of thing I used to do all the time in my IT career. You plug in some simple manufactured data and see if the system can swallow it and regurgitate on command.

The tests were postponed until late September–an early warning sign of disaster that was kept hidden from the American people. When they finally occurred, they were a complete failure. The system “ground to a halt,” “froze,” and “crashed” under the lightest and most rudimentary data entry by a tiny pool of CMS testers.

“It was unequivocally clear from testing this wasn’t ready,” was the conclusion forwarded to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius… who serenely ignored these desperate warnings and launched anyway. And worse, the head of CMS said the site’s issues “did not show up in testing” during testimony on Tuesday.

Attkisson is carefully willing to allow for the possibility that this was incompetence on a cosmic scale, rather than perjured testimony, by suggesting CMS honcho Marilyn Tavenner might simply have been completely unaware that several rounds of testing resulted in red-alert warnings from her own agency. I find that rather difficult to believe, and I suspect the redoubtable Ms. Attkisson does, too. But a lot of unbelievable things have been happening lately, haven’t they?

At the very least, this makes mincemeat of the last quivering chunks of that stupid “so popular we couldn’t keep up with demand!” excuse peddled by the Administration for the ObamaCare crash, and should serve as another mortal blow to both the Affordable Care Act and the Democrats’ entire philosophy of super-intelligent central planning by an all-wise, supremely capable government.