All the talk about repealing and replacing Obamacare is now apparently going to be backed up with potentially substantive legislation that  will be spearheaded by Texas Senator Ted Cruz (R) During an appearance on Fox News’ with Megyn Kelly, Cruz stated that he was going to release a plan to repeal Obamacare, and give Americans more healthcare coverage options.

 Cruz, as well Senators Mike Lee and Marco Rubio, have been at the forefront of the ‘Repeal Obamacare’ movement, for which they had been excoriated for doing so, by Senate moderate John McCain, and others.

Some say that the time is now for a formal repeal piece of legislation, but are they right? For repeal to work, the entire GOP needs to get behind it, including  Poppa “Whacko Bird,” the old crow, Senator John McCain.

It seems as if McCain has had a change of thought about repealing Obamacare. Perhaps McCain should apologize for his past remarks about Cruz and the others who have been beating the repeal drums?