In response to Another ObamaCare talking point is dead and gone:

Obama’s  decision to “allow” insurance companies to keep their old plans, not only undercut the White House’s past talking points about the cancellation letters – it also undercut all future attempts to shift the blame onto  insurance companies for the cancellations. 

Because no one believes him anymore, and the MSM is through carrying his water. 

Obama was forced to expose himself on that, because if he hadn’t acted, as Charles Krauthammer noted, as many as 100 Democrats would have joined Republicans in voting for the Upton bill – a defection he couldn’t afford. Hence, the phony, self serving “fix.” 

Millions of Americans have lost their health insurance plans, and don’t know what to do, and it’s not hyperbolic to say that some people are going to die as a result. One cancer patient told Megyn Kelly he would rather die, than go into massive debt to pay for the higher ObamaCare premiums. 

But poor 0. These are very trying times for him.  It wasn’t that long ago that his supporters couldn’t get enough of this historic, Nobel Peace Prize-winning president – Obama merchandise was a cottage industry, people proudly waved their Obama flags, and their children sang Obama songs of praise and worship. Now even the media’s biggest lap dogs are turning on him. 

If you want a grim laugh, guess where the exposed, humiliated “Naked Emperor” went following his widely panned “Fumble” presser, Thursday?

President Barack Obama sought refuge here Thursday in an old political comfort zone – a region that hosted many boisterous re-election rallies in 2012.
With no campaign in his future, the two-term Democrat didn’t come to sell voters, despite public opinion polls that show his job approval rating at an all-time low.

Rather, Obama returned to feed off a friendly vibe while attempting to move his administration beyond the maelstrom of his signature health care program’s debut.

This flaming narcissist of a president returned to Cleveland to give another speech in front of the warm glow of his adoring fans.

And then a slightly manic Ed Schultz did his best Howard Dean impersonation to express his excitement about Obama’s speech: