A bizarre, sparsely attended Obamacare event took place at the University of Central Arkansas last weekend, in which the organizer emptied a large bag of condoms onto a small table, spilling several on the floor to whoops and giggles. 

The Weekly Standard’s Daniel Halper reports that the event was hosted by a group called the Living Affected Corporation which he says, “apparently has received a grant from the federal government to educate the public about Obamacare.”

According to their mission statement, Living Affected Corp is all about “transforming communities to holistic health by providing prevention, education and advocacy!”

With an emphasis on “prevention”, apparently.

The organizer told the “brosurance” attendees , “so when you’re leaving, you can stop by my table and I’ll give you whatever — condoms — that box has a bunch in it. Anyway … Our corporation, LA Corp … And I’m waiting on my dental dams and female condom order that still hasn’t come in. If you ever need condoms, let me know because we have thousands — boxes of magnums, we get magnums a lot. So here is the prize table.”