The president’s approval rating has taken a nosedive in recent weeks due to the rocky start of his “signature achievement”. America has not been sufficiently thankful to him for his herculean efforts on their behalf. 

So what better remedy can there be to this unfortunate situation than to have Obama on the most O-friendly network and interviewed by the most O-friendly, leg-tingly host?

A “thrilled” Chris Matthews joined MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts earlier in the day to discuss his upcoming interview, saying he would ask the President some “easier questions” before getting into “fun stuff”.

MATTHEWS: [I’ll] get into questions that I want to get into, with executive management and political dysfunction in this country that we talk about all of the time on the program and get into some easier questions, for example, voter suppression efforts by the Republicans so he can bite into that.

Wait a minute – race-baiting Republicans is both easy and fun for Democrats. You don’t fool me, Chris Matthews.

During the actual interview,  Obama said Biden would go down in history as one of the best Vice Presidents ever. 

“I think Joe Biden will go down in history as one of the best vice presidents ever,” he said. “He has been with me, at my side in every tough decision that I’ve made from going after bin Laden to dealing with the health care issues. You name it, he’s been there.”

He also declared that Hillary Clinton would go down in history as one of the greatest Secretaries of State.

Via Washington Free Beacon: