Fast food workers organized by the SEIU are on strike today to demand a $15 an hour wage. Activists are also seeking to unionize workers and to bring attention to the push for a higher minimum wage nationwide.

Protests began early this morning and some businesses have been shut down because of the planned one-day walkout. The current average wage among fast food workers is just under $9 an hour.

On Twitter strike supporters are posting photos and many are promoting a video featuring former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich supporting the strike.

The one-day walkout is being organized by the SEIU and is designed to draw attention to the issue more than force employers to compromise in the short term. USA Today quotes an editor for the Occupy Wall Street Journal saying “It’s more a show for the media than something that will hit the bottom line of these employers.”

Here’s a sample of images being posted today from around the country:

Naturally there is also some pushback: