Now that the crew of global warming alarmists that got stuck in Antarctic ice has been rescued (by a fossil-fuel-burning, carbon-spewing helicopter!) we can really settle in and make fun of them, especially since the mainstream media still largely refuses to report what they were doing in those frozen waters.  (Hint: the waters weren’t supposed to be frozen.)

So here’s the Ballad of the Global Warming Titanic, sung to the tune of “The Ballad of Gilligan’s Island.”  Note that one verse of the original song continues to fit perfectly.

Now sit right back and you’ll hear a tale

A tale of a fateful trip

They traveled to Anactica

Aboard a Russian ship

The chief was a global warming man

The skipper wasn’t so sure

But activists set sail that day

For a propaganda tour

The water started getting cold

The frozen ship was stuck

Their theories called for melting ice

But they were out of luck… yes, they were out of luck…

The ship ran aground on this block of unexpected ice

With embarrassment….

And skeptics too…

But we spend millions on a hoax

While movie stars

Professors and politicians

Give us contempt and bile

So this is the tale of climate change

It’s here for a long, long time

No matter how much their theories fail

Truth has an uphill climb

The government and Hollywood too

Will do their very best

To make us all uncomfortable

In our sustainable nest

No phone, no lights, no motor cars

Not a single luxury

Like Robinson Crusoe

As primitive as can be

The elites won’t join us though, my friends

They’re sure to live in style

While we give up our light bulbs

Recant your climate change denial!