A 22-year-old Chinese student who lost a finger in a childhood accident, has been given a full set of digits after doctors successfully attached one of his toes to his hand.  Although Ha Yuan lived with the missing finger for many years, after he graduated he felt it prevented him from getting a high paying job because potential employers were put off by the visual. 

Yuan said, “My classmates all found jobs in the campus job fairs, but I was refused all the time once the employer saw my left hand.” 

Surgeons amputated the second toe on his left foot and attached it to his left hand, creating a fully functioning finger.  Dr. Lu, who helped with the groundbreaking operation, said, “It’s not easy to tell the difference if people are not looking at it closely. The only difference is the size of the nail.” 

The doctor also said that it would take three moths for the new “finger” to resume functions. 

In the meantime, Yuan said, “I feel my new life is about to start.” 

Photo: Rex