… and challenging Americans to do the same. Make no mistake, I am a registered Republican albeit a disaffected one like so many of you. 

I chose to be a Republican and it was simple 34 years ago. There were then and now two major political parties. The Republican party best represented my views of what has been a successful path for America’s rise to cultural, economic and military superpower.

I have reached a point where necessity, a confluence of times, the tea party movement I helped found and grow and America’s awakening from political apathy have made this necessary.  We must return to the basics and only our will as Americans can drive this needed change. 

The swing of the political pendulum left to right and in reverse is not enough. The political institutions are institutionally corrupt even though much of what they do is technically legal. 

Principles that have worked in America and will in the 21st Century

The 21st Century must include the following

  1. Energy independence is a foundation of any successful modern society.
  2. Education reform because a literate population demands more of itself and government.

This revolution at the ballot box must be peaceful and lawful. It will take time to find and develop better candidates for public office. There is also a need for better and more honest people who work in our political institutions. This is wider than the elected officials at any level. 

When a political party feels it owns your vote you have little or no power. Make them earn your vote with proven results. Be patient America, you will not get all you wish immediately or maybe never. This is bigger than the individual. 

This must occur for the sake of our republic and will take a long time to be realized.