Caroline Glick has a masterful analysis this week of Stephen Harper’s visit to Israel. The Canadian Prime Minister thrilled his hosts (well, most of them) with a pro-Israel tour de force at the Knesset, then wowed them with his musical exertions. For Israelis, it was a welcome reminder that not everyone in the civilized world treats them the way U.S. President Barack Obama does: useful for a photo-op, but often for a punching bag.

Glick points out two very important facts about pro-Israel leaders in the western world. First: the rise of new conservative governments tends to mean the rise of more pro-Israel governments. Second: standing up for Israel is a way for smaller countries to stand apart from the rest of the pack, and claim a place for themselves “at the table” of the great powers. Not because of some global Jewish conspiracy, but because it shows courage.

Harper is undoubtedly the most pro-Israel leader in the world today. He is doing what the U.S. president ought to be doing, and what U.S. presidents did before Obama: namely, standing up against the mendacity and bias of the United Nations, boldly supporting Israel’s right to defend its citizens, dispelling libels against the Jewish state. In the process, Harper has also re-made Canada as the conscience of international human rights.

Before, Canada was a reliable echo chamber of international political correctness. Now, Canada stands for much more. Support for Israel highlights the other areas in which it is leading, such as the development of new energy sources, the integration of an astonishingly diverse array of immigrants, and arts and culture. None of these includes any direct benefit that Israel itself can confer. They are signs of success that support for Israel reflects.