Look – I know Harry Reid was totally sincere when he said a couple of days ago that vulnerable Democrats want to campaign with Obama. 

“Anytime the President of the United States appears supporting a candidate, it helps,” Reid told CNN’s Dana Bash with great conviction because Obama is “personally a very popular guy, and people love this man…”

Then the State of the Union happened, and the few vulnerable Democrats CNN was able to catch for an interview, didn’t seem anxious at all to campaign with Obama.

Now Obama is in Wisconsin, and what do you know? The Democrat candidate for Governor was too busy cleaning and reorganizing her closets  campaigning in another part of the state to join the president during his visit.

President Obama shook hands and chatted with his one of his most outspoken Republican critics, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker — but he won’t be meeting with the Democrat seeking to oust Walker in the November election, businesswoman Mary Burke.
“Mary Burke has a full day scheduled in western Wisconsin Thursday and will not be able to join the president during his visit to Wisconsin,” Burke spokesman Joe Zepecki told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

State Republicans were quick to say that Burke sees Obama as a political liability, a suggestion the Democrats denied.

They were talking about this very issue on Fox, earlier today, and the Democratic consultant Julie Roginsky actually admitted that she wouldn’t campaign with Obama if she were a vulnerable Democrat.

“Well, listen, nobody is pretending Barack Obama is popular today,”  Roginsky said. “Frankly, if I were an endangered Democrat I wouldn’t be campaigning with him either.”

Video via Jim Hoft:

Wait a minute….”nobody’s pretending that Obama is popular, today?”  What about Dingy Harry?!