Bused-in activists and professional agitators, including the NC NAACP are in  Raleigh, North Carolina, today for the so-called “Moral March” – morality being defined as support for progressive causes such as abortion rights, and minimum wage hikes, and opposition to  “racist” voter ID requirements. 

Problem is, one of the important do’s on the list of  Do’s and Don’ts for Marchers, is for them to bring a “driver’s license, passport or other valid photo id” to the march, and make sure they have their photo ID handy “at all times.” 

I kid you not:

See Sister Toldjah for a a primer of sorts on the Saturday activist left #MoralMarch in NC.

In reality, “Moral Monday” consists primarily of disgruntled activist North Carolina Democrats in the left wing Triangle and Western areas of NC  who are sick that the Democrats’ century-plus domination of this state came to a halt in 2010, and even more so in 2012 with a GOP super-majority and GOP Governor. The Triangle area, I should note, is where most of the left wing Blueprint NC think tanks are located, and I’d be remiss in my duties as a citizen journo if I didn’t note that it was reported last February (surprisingly enough by the local media)  that these think tanks more or less agreed to coordinate to  try and”cripple” state government in order to try and get what they wanted because they knew they could no longer do it legislatively.  

Now, I’m sure there are rank and file people who are part of Moral Monday who have previously never demonstrated before, but most of them are there because the professional left here – led by “spiritual leader” Barber – have convinced them that the state GOP are racist, sexist, evil capitalist “white men” who want to take us back to  60s and before. Ironically enough, that sad and reprehensible time in NC politics happened to be when Democrats were in control, but why bother with that inconvenient little fact?