More than two thirds of the continental United States is currently covered in snow, according to new data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

With 67.4% of the contiguous United States now covered with snow, up from 48.1% last month, the so called Polar Vortex would appear to be leaving Global Warming fear mongers lost in a vortex all their own.

Contrast current data and images with these words from Dr. David Viner.

According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”.

“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.

Not to be deterred in his battle against what some view as more climate fabulists, than scientists, Mark Steyn takes on a “Ship of Fools” in The Spectator this month

Yes, yes, just to get the obligatory ‘of courses’ out of the way up front: of course ‘weather’ is not the same as ‘climate’; and of course the thickest iciest ice on record could well be evidence of ‘global warming’, just as 40-and-sunny and a 35-below blizzard and 12 degrees and partly cloudy with occasional showers are all apparently manifestations of ‘climate change’; and of course the global warm-mongers are entirely sincere in their belief that the massive carbon footprint of their rescue operation can be offset by the planting of wall-to-wall trees the length and breadth of Australia, Britain, America and continental Europe.

Big Climate is slowly being crushed by a hard, icy reality: if you’re heading off to university this year, there has been no global warming since before you were in kindergarten. That’s to say, the story of the early 21st century is that the climate declined to follow the climate ‘models’.

Really, there’s little that’s more unsightly than an adult so called scientist crying test tubes full of tears over their broken model. Unfortunately for many, that’s precisely what recent weather patterns have done – shatter the models these so called scientists have been employing in their war on capitalism for decades.

How ironic that a Polar Vortex was just what was needed to heat up the climate war!