University of Virginia Center for Politics Director Larry Sabato says, “Trustworthiness was never the Clintons’ long suit,” when commenting on a new survey that ranks the presumed 2016 Democrat candidate for president in the bottom half of all First Ladies.

According to Mail Online, “historians, political scientists and other academics who rated first ladies for their integrity put Hillary Clinton in the bottom half of the rankings – in 21st place… That poor showing in the honesty-related category put her below nearly every first lady since the 1920s, including Pat Nixon.”

While still ranking 6th overall in the survey, Hillary Clinton debuted at #2 and her reputation would appear to have taken a real hit in recent years – during which time she served as Barack Obama’s Secretary of State.

This year’s #6 showing is the worst overall placement for the former secretary of state, although she topped the list among first ladies that the scholars said they could ‘imagine serving as president.’

Sabato also suggests Hillary will not be able to avoid answering for some of Bill’s White House misconduct given how they’ve presented themselves in the past.

‘The Clintons ran for president with the slogan, “Two for the price of one,”‘ Sabato recalled. ‘Hillary cannot avoid answering questions about Bill’s scandals because she was an integral part of many of them.’

Potentially, that could hurt her rankings even more in any upcoming bid for the presidency.