Employees from NBCUniversal dropped off over 10,000 petitions seeking better workplace rights, to MSNBC’s primetime hosts, Thursday. 

According to TV Newser, the workers requested that Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, Ed Schultz, Al Sharpton, and Lawrence O’Donnell come down and personally receive the letters. But none of these progressive, working class heroes did, and thus far, none of them have responded to the effort. 

Not even pro-union mouthpiece Ed Schultz, who was paid over $250,000 from unions in the past couple of years to be a champion of the working man, had an encouraging word for them?! 

What a huge let down, huh?

“Yesterday, Writers Guild of America, East delivered 10,000+ petitions to NBCU Labor Relations with assurance that they’d be passed onto MSNBC hosts,” Writers Guild of America East Communications Director Jason Gordon told TVNewser, adding that “Peacock supporters also sent emails to the hosts asking for support.”

“The company can’t have it both ways – presenting the strong, progressive voices of the MSNBC hosts while at the same time depriving the Peacock employees of their own voices on the job,” Gordon declared.

See Newsbusters for a catalog of posts that expose the colossal hypocrisy at MSNBC, where they constantly tout a progressive, pro-union point of view while bashing conservatives who disagree.