John Kerry’s speech at AIPAC struck me as sincere–and that, I think, makes it as a success. He came across as being genuinely concerned for Israel’s security. Yet his speech also revealed that the administration’s diplomatic efforts are still based on three basic fallacies about Israel, the Palestinians, Iran and the region in general.

The first fallacy is that Israel must pursue the two-state solution as a matter of demographic necessity. There are good arguments against a single state, but demographic reality is not one of them. The fact is that there are many more Jews than Arabs even if the West Bank is included in Israel. Palestinian numbers have been inflated.

The second fallacy is that Palestinian Authority President Mahmous Abbas is a genuine partner for peace. He is not a terrorist himself, but he is actively part of the incitement he pretends to denounce. The work of MEMRI and Palestinian Media Watch has thoroughly exposed the degree to which Abbas and his regime glorify terror.

The third fallacy is that it is sufficient for Iran to be prevented from having a nuclear “weapon.” The reason the world imposed sanctions on Iran in the first place was that it cannot be trusted with any nuclear enrichment. That is the Israeli position, and it used to be the American one. Iran’s “moderate” president hardly justifies a new approach.