The mystery behind the Ted Cruz photoshop posters that have been popping up in California has been solved. Ben Howe has the scoop at (where else?) The Right Scoop:

Sabo Art out of Los Angeles has “come out” as the artist behind the posters. On Facebook, you can find the artist’s fan page here. 

He’s also on Twitter:

The artist’s website, “” can be found, here.

His mission statement is as follows (with a few minor edits since the Conversation is a family blog):

Bush the Younger was elected President and the claws came out in Hollywood. I lost my friends along with a great deal of peace. It was not a good time to be a Republican in Hollywood. There was no place I could go where I wasn’t punched in the face by some sort of art defining who I was for being a Republican. Evil, Bigotted, Homophobic, Out of Touch, Rich, Greedy, on and on. And then I snapped. Why was the Left allowed to define me and where are the dissenting voices from the Right setting the record straight? Creatively speaking there was no one.

I believe the Right has a great message, sadly the only people telling it are those on the Left and they do a d*** fine job making us look like a** holes and what do Republicans do about it, NOT A D*** THING!!!

F*** it! I guess it’s just going to have to be me, I thought. My aim as an artist is to be as dirty, ground level, and mean as any Liberal artist out there, more so if I can. Use their tactics, their methods, appeal to their audience, the young, urban , street urchins with a message they never hear in a style they own.
My name is SABO and I am an UNSAVORYAGENT.

Somehow, I think Andrew Breitbart would approve.