Venezuelan President Maduro has been calling protesters “Nazis and fascists” for weeks. State television is now backing him up by running a segment connecting a familiar social media hashtag to Nazi symbols.

With opposition media censored, the hashtag “#SOSVenezuela” has become a way for student protesters to signal their opposition to the current government on social media. In this clip, state television suggests that SOS has a symbolic connection to the Nazi swastika. From the description published by NTN24:

According to the video, the two ‘S’ parallels the runic insignia of the Schutzstaffel (SS), and comes from breaking down a swastika, while the ‘O’ comes from the Celtic cross adapted by some neo-Nazi groups.

“People in the opposition think they’re doing a just claim in showing the SOS symbol, believing they’re calling for help. But what they’re doing in reality is promoting dark intentions and energy from terrorist groups,” the report said.

The clip ends with a title that reads “Do not be fooled.”

And there you have it. The Venezuelan media has now gone full conspiracy theory on the protests.