Top Democrat Debbie Wasserman Schultz believes that Republicans are “mean-spirited” and “irresponsible” bullies for cutting the unemployment insurance program.

Wasserman Schultz  posted a petition on her congressional website, asking visitors sign up and help “roll back” the insurance cuts.

Here it the email ‘DWS’ sent out promoting the petition:

Welcome to bullying…D.C. style. Republicans insist on kicking the unemployed when they’re down — it is mean-spirited, irresponsible, and just plain wrong.

Republican cuts to unemployment insurance endanger a program that keeps 2.5 million Americans out of poverty, including more than 600,000 children. Add your name to our petition to roll back these cuts and get American workers back on their feet.

Nobody ever strives to be unemployed. Unemployment insurance is a safety net — it’s supposed to catch you when you fall. And Republicans want to rip some big, big holes in that safety net by balancing the budget on the backs of those who can least afford it.