Jeb Bush probably has a spring in his step, today, following Senator Chuck Schumer’s ringing endorsement on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

Schumer, after being asked if Jeb Bush’s liberal views on immigration were good for the Republican Party, answered, “he’s showing where people are at. Most people are for immigration reform. Most Republicans, you know, they’re in the ‘vote no, pray yes’ caucus. They’d like it to pass, as long as they don’t have to vote for it.”

“So, Chuck Schumer endorsing Jeb Bush — at least for the Republican primary,” host Joe Scarborough mischievously suggested.

Schumer laughed that Bush “would be a lot better” than some of the other Republicans who may run for president in 2016.

Schumer also endorsed the Democrat party’s rabid anti-Koch brothers election year strategy, predicting that the cynical ploy “will work.” (Schumer, a huge proponent of Democrat messaging efforts, was once overheard counseling junior senators on a conference call to use the word “extreme” to describe Republicans. “I always use extreme, Schumer said. “That is what the caucus instructed me to use.”)

The master strategist bragged that a recent poll shows that 48 percent of the American people now recognize the names of the businessmen as a result of their demonization efforts. 

“That’ll mean about 90 percent of them will know it [the Koch name] in October,” Schumer said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Monday. “We also have to have a shield that protects us from these ads. And I think the Koch brother thing will work.”

The flaw in the strategy, of course, is the fact that at some point – voters are going to have to focus on the records of the vulnerable incumbent Democrats they are trying to protect. The Senators will still have to defend their heinous votes for Obamacare, and their out of control spendanthon that led to $17 trillion in debt.