Perhaps demonstrating how little he actually has to say to more Libertarian would be GOP 2016 voters, Fox host and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee over-stepped in reaching out to them with a reference to the United States as North Korea and the comment was quickly tossed back in his face thanks to social media.

‘My gosh, I’m beginning to think that there’s more freedom in North Korea sometimes than there is in the United States,’ he told a partisan crowd at the inaugural New Hampshire Freedom Summit.

Huckabee was speaking in New Hampshire at the inaugural New Hampshire Freedom Summit. The event was sponsored by Citizens United and  Americans for Prosperity Foundation.

Twitter responses from those watching came fast and furious, as it were.


More readily identified as a traditional social conservative, which is sometimes at odds with an increasingly powerful more Libertarian wing of the GOP, Huckabee was most likely looking to try and build some sort of bridge to a broader constituency in case he opts to run again in 2016.

Based upon this one quick example, that may be a bridge too far for Huckabee. 

Not long ago he was being hailed as the new voice of conservative talk radio. Unfortunately, that effort went over about as well as his comment regarding North Korea and Huckabee’s talk radio career ended almost as quickly as it got started.

Update: The original version of this article mistakenly identified one sponsoring group as Americans for Prosperity. It was, in fact, co-sponsored by Americans for Prosperity Foundation. The text of the post has been updated for accuracy.