According to Dr. Ben Carson in his new book, One Nation: What We Can All Do To Save America’s Future, the White House wanted him to apologize for “offending” the president after he delivered a bold and powerful conservative message at the National Prayer Breakfast, last year.

In February of 2013, Dr. Carson’s words were like a healing balm to disappointed and demoralized conservatives who were still licking their wounds after the 2012 election. His speech caused a sensation and a star was instantly born. But not everyone was happy with it.

Via The Daily Caller:

“He did not appear to be hostile or angry,” Carson writes of Obama, “but within a matter of minutes after the conclusion of the program, I received a call from some of the prayer breakfast organizers saying that the White House was upset and requesting that I call the president and apologize for offending him. I said that I did not think that he was offended and that I didn’t think that such a call was warranted.”

Conservatives rallied around Carson last year after his remarks, made from a podium as Obama sat just feet away. In his speech, he railed against “political correctness” and offered specific ideas for health care reform.

“Many have commented that the president appeared to be uncomfortable during my speech, but I was not paying particular attention to him or his reactions, as my comments were really directed more at the American people than the people on the dais,” Carson recalls. “At the conclusion of the program, the president approached me to shake my hand and thank me for my participation.”

Carson would have his first encounter with the IRS a few months later and claims it gradually expanded to include family members, associates, and his charitable endeavors. 

“I’ve been quite I would say astonished at the level of hostility that I have encountered,” Carson said in an exclusive interview with host John Bachman on “America’s Forum” on Newsmax TV.

“The IRS has investigated me. They said, ‘I want to look at your real estate holdings.’ There was nothing there. ‘Well, let’s expand to an entire [year], everything.’ There was nothing there. ‘Let’s do another year.’ Finally, after a few months, they went away. But they’ve come after my family, they’ve come after my friends, they’ve come after associates.”

In a previous era – way back in 2008 – Carson received the presidential Medal of Freedom from former President George W. Bush.

But that was before the IRS became “the enforcement arm of the Democratic party and Democratic members of Congress, and the White House,” as Washington attorney Cleta Mitchell recently put it.

“We live in a Gestapo age, people don’t realize it,” Carson told Newsmax.