Mason Michalec has taken a pledge…not to say the pledge of allegiance. 

‘I’m really tired of our government taking advantage of us,” said Michalec. “I don’t agree with the NSA spying on us. And I don’t agree with any of those Internet laws.”

Michalec’s protest has gone largely unnoticed by his teacher, until a different teacher saw the student refuse to stand. “And she told me this is my classroom,” said Michalec. “This is the principal’s request. You’re going to stand. And I still didn’t stand and she said she was going to write me up.”

According to Michalec, he was suspended for two days and there would be more to come if he continued his protest. 

The 15 year-old obviously didn’t get the memo from his publik skool that conformity and subservience are the highest virtues. Clearly the government overlords can’t have this kid grow up and enter society spouting off crazy ideas like this: “And I think it’s time that people do something for themselves and stop taking whatever’s handed to them,” said Michalec. “I’m angry and frustrated and annoyed that they would try to write me up for something I have the right to do.”

Officials from the skool distrikt could not be reached for comment.