Democrats claiming they want to “fix” Obamacare are not to be believed.  As Sean Noble of American Encore noted, their goal is single-payer.  They will paint Obamacare as a failure of a “free market” system and suggest single-payer is the solution.  What you’re not hearing from the media is that the VA system is single-payer.  The VA is everyone’s future if Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats have their way.  From Noble in Townhall:

While the major networks have covered the atrocities at the VA, none have reported why the system failed our veterans. That’s because this is what the Left’s single-payer health care looks like. Single-payer refers to a system in which a single organization or agency is responsible for organizing health care financing.

In a recent interview with Ezra Klein of Vox, Rep. Nancy Pelosi was asked about Obamacare and the upcoming election. She knows Obamacare is a loser for Democrats and Americans know that Obamacare is not working and, more importantly, it is not improving the quality of health care. When asked what would improve Obamacare, Pelosi said, “Of course, I wanted the single payer.”

Like the VA scandal, this is not an isolated incident. Prominent Democrats such as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, former HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, and even President Obama himself have all, at some point, voiced their support for a single-payer system.

Despite clear signs of failure, Democrats want to double-down on government takeover of your health care. As Pelosi said, their only “fix” is to put every American in a system like the VA’s. If you don’t want to take her word for it, just look at some of the mechanisms of the broader Affordable Care Act itself.

Aside from the glitchy websites and unprecedented mandates, the legislation gutted Medicare Advantage in order to incentivize seniors to abandon their choice-based private plans and enroll in single-payer Medicare. In addition, Obamacare’s insurance “markets” (a serious misnomer) jammed over 6.7 million more individuals into Medicaid, a single-payer healthcare entitlement, in just six months.

Keeping the single-payer-for-all prize on the horizon, the Left touted the “success” of the VA in its support for Obamacare. Klein, then with The Washington Post, said the VA was “one of the most remarkable success stories in American public policy.” He also said it was an example of “when socialism works in America.”

Now the Left feigns outrage over a system they want to implement for everyone. In a press conference, Rep. Pelosi said, “Again, on the battlefield, we leave no soldier behind, and when they come home, we leave no veteran behind. This is an oath, this is a pledge, this is a commitment, and we have to get this done, and now we have to put it on a path of getting it done right.”

As with Obamacare, they have no real fix for the VA’s problems other than calls for more funding and finger-pointing at the previous administration.