Despite sustaining a powerful hashtag diplomacy attack from the Obama Administration – in which everyone from State Department spokespersons to the First Lady took pictures of themselves holding up #BringBackOurGirls placards and looking sad – the Nigerian Islamist group known as Boko Haram is still wreaking havoc.  They kidnapped sixty more girls, and it turns out they’ve got a habit of burning churches and murdering Christians when they’re not working on the human trafficking our heroic Administration begged them to stop.  

From the Washington Times:

Suspected Boko Haram militants murdered at least 30 worshippers and torched four churches on Sunday in a Nigerian village just six miles away from Chibok, where more than 200 schoolgirls were kidnapped in April, witnesses said.

“They killed dozens of people and burned houses after attacking worshippers,” Mallam Yahi, who escaped from Kwada village, told The Associated Press.

At least 30 bodies have been recovered in Kwada but more are turning up in the bushes, he said.

Some of the church buildings destroyed included the Protestant Church of Christ in Nigeria, the Pentecostal Deeper Life Bible Church and Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa, which is Hausa for Church of the Brethren in Nigeria, AP reported.

Yahi said the attackers went on to neighboring Kautikari, about four miles from Chibok, but he didn’t know what the death toll was there.

As usual, the Nigerian government claimed it couldn’t confirm the attack, much less do anything to prevent it, due to “bad communications,” even though reporters apparently had little difficulty chatting with residents of Chibok via cell phone.  During those phone calls, the residents complained about the unwillingness of Nigerian forces to directly engage the Boko Haram killers.

Anti-Christian persecution is hardly a new story.  It’s an old story that rarely gets above the fold in mainstream media reports, and doesn’t seem to get hearts thumping over at the Department of Hashtags.  It’s happening Iraq, too… and for that matter, a Christian exodus was one of the big untold stories after the fall of Saddam Hussein.  Not surprisingly, the ISIS head-choppers are even more vigorous in their persecutions.

Have you been seeing a lot of stories about how the ISIS terrorists are burning churches in the Iraqi territory they occupy?  One of the last armed men willing to stand guard over an unburned church told the Christian Post, “Now all these terrorists are here from across the Middle East, and they want to cleanse the Christians.  The youth have left.  There’s no one left to defend the church, and if I had the chance, I’d leave too.”

The Christian Post earlier reported on “a Christian father who committed suicide in Mosul after his wife and daughter were both raped by ISIS members in front of him, when he could not come up with the poll tax imposed on Christians in that city.”  

Oh, goody, the jizya tax imposed by Muslim conquerors against infidels is back.  On the bright side, ISIS is implementing the tax in a progressive manner, and will vary the $250 payment “based on the type of profession chosen by the Christians who are finding it very difficult to pay the tax and are forced to suffer for it.”

A good 10,000 Christian refugees are said to have fled the Mosul area for the safety of the Kurdish autonomous region.  Anyone want to take side bets on whether they’ll ever be able to rebuild the Christian community of Mosul, even if ISIS is driven out, and whether our media or State Department will make a big deal about it?