Remember the old Minuteman Project, in which used to  keep an eye on the U.S. southern border, and report illegal immigrant crossings to the Border Patrol?

Well, the movement is back, and with the huge influx of illegal immigrants crossing the border these days, the group has been given a new breath of air, and are now actively recruiting a three thousand-plus force of volunteers for their “Operation Normandy.”

“This problem is not going away and if the government cannot take care of it and protect us, then clearly it’s our duty and obligation to do it for them.”

– Jim Gilchrist, founder and president, The Minuteman Project

The U.S. Border Patrol says that it does not condone private groups to take immigration matters into their own hands, but do appreciate concern citizens who serve as eyes and ears for them, and alter  the agency of suspicious and illegal activity along the border.

The “Minutemen” had a good run, but due to personnel issues, being accused of committing criminal acts against “some of its key figures,” the grassroots and border crossing surveillance group collapsed.