Well, that didn’t take long. Although, to be fair, the Huffington Post turning so quickly on a military man isn’t exactly a shock. At this point, one has to wonder when the calls will begin for Walsh to withdraw. 

Via HuffPo blogger Chris Weigant:

Chalking Up Montana As A Democratic Loss

I had intended to write a column today to take an overview of all the close races for Senate seats. Every so often, I like to take a look at what the chances are for both parties to make gains in November (or, this year, to see whether the Republicans are going to gain a majority, realistically). Instead, after seeing the recent news from the New York Times, what is now called for is kissing goodbye any chances that the Montana Senate seat up for grabs will stay Democratic. To be blunt: there is now exactly zero chance of that happening, and we should all chalk up one guaranteed Republican gain in the Senate. The revelations that John Walsh plagiarized a major paper in college have now completely torpedoed his chances for retaining the seat. To be fair, there was little chance that Walsh was going to win in any case. But the difference between “little chance” and “no chance” can be measured in hope. There is now no hope for Democrats in Montana, this year.