In the wake of The Avengers becoming the third most profitable film of all time, it’s easy to forget that Marvel’s ability to make their interconnected film universe work was never a sure thing.

A few of the films–Iron Man 2 and The Incredible Hulk–while profitable, didn’t seem to hit the mark for some fans. So when Marvel announced it was giving Guardians of the Galaxy–a lesser known title set in outer space–their own film, many thought Marvel might have jumped the cinematic shark. Was this going to be the Marvel version of Green Lantern?

Well someone at Marvel must be gloating right now. The reviews for Guardians are pouring in and they are overwhelmingly positive. The film is currently at 96 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. Here is a sample of what early reviewers are saying:

Marvel is confident enough that they have already announced a sequel to be released in 2017. In the midst of real crises around the world and those unfolding here at home, a well-made bit of summer escapism at the theater is a welcome thing.