In a move that could be construed as wading further into the pond of 2016 presidential politics, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz joined other prominent Republicans in attacking New Hampshire’s Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen for supporting what he called Obama’s “amnesty” immigration policies.

Cruz says Shaheen, quote, “has voted lock-step with President Obama to prevent any efforts to finally secure our border.”

Cruz has also been much in the news for helping to defeat a GOP immigration bill in the U.S. House on Thursday that was broadly denounced by Conservatives in the Republican base. He is also on record as calling the New Hampshire race critical as far back as April. Cruz is also said to have issued an anti-Shaheen fund raising mailer for the New Hampshire GOP.

Cruz believes NH crucial for GOP in coming elections

Calling New Hampshire “ground zero” in the upcoming midterm elections, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas said Saturday the state is fertile ground for Republicans to wrest away control of the Senate from Democrats.