Congresswoman Michele Bachmann released the following statement tonight calling for Harry Reid to get the Senate back to work on what she now believes is a viable immigration fix passed by the House.

“The meltdown of the phones this week got the attention of Congress. The border bill today is completely different than the bill yesterday. Now we have a real border security bill that addresses the current crisis and the root cause of the surge of illegal immigration due to people believing President Obama would provide them amnesty.

“Today, by freezing DACA, the House voted to prevent the Obama administration’s actions to circumvent the law. The House also voted to provide support to law enforcement officials tasked with responding to the border crisis, including combating  transnational gangs and cartels who are engaging in human and drug trafficking and profiting from our open border policies.

 “When President Obama issued a dare to Congress that he could once again bypass the legislative process and unilaterally issue deferred action and work permits to 5 million illegal foreign nationals, the House had no option but to act.

“The House answered the President and said ‘no you won’t,’ by standing up for the rule of law and prohibiting him from issuing millions of work permits and deferred action to those who entered our country illegally. This is the best action we could take to restrain a lawless President.

“I urge Harry Reid and the Senate to return to Washington, D.C. and finish the work the House started to solve the border crisis.”